Saturday 28 April 2012

Meeting the future neighbours

We went to the the houses near the one we are in process of buying.  The idea is to see any houses that have building extension similar to the way we want, knock at the doors and ask if we can have a look of how they did the extension.  I expected some cold faces and white eyeballs.  But it did quite happen that way.

We first found a house in the "frying pan".  Although the plan is to knock at the door as ask for a look, in reality it took some courage to knock at some stranger's door.  But we did.  A nice lady came to answer the door.  I said "we are in process of buying this house..." I handed over the estate agent's brochure.  She looked and immediately said with some excitement "A-ha, you are buying the house next to my mother-in-law.  My mother-in-law spoke to you last time... you know? Mrs Pxxxr.  You are buying Gxxxxxle's house".

Waa, this is quite a neighborhood.  People know people.  Great.  I love the sense of community.  She asked us to wait while she got her husband from the garden.  They welcomed us in and gave us a wonderful tour in their house.  Oh, I love their garden.  Looks as if it' in Alice in Wonderland.

Then we decided to do it again at the house right at the back of the prospected house because it looks like the way we want ours to be.  We stopped the car in front of the house.  with the previous experience, I am not as shy as last time. 

I pressed the door bell, a nice lady came to answer.  Again, I said "we are in process of buying the house at the back of yours..". 

Before I finish, and certainly before I could pass the agent's brochure to her, she said "Oh, you are buying Gxxxxxxle's house.  How can I help?"

How the hell does she know.  I wondered...

"Does everybody know everybody here"  I said.

"My husband often chat with Mrs Gxxxxxxxle over the fence.  Dxxxd ~~~ you have a visitor~~~".

They also gave us a great tour in their house.

I cannot believe.  We drove on the road, randomly chose two houses that look like what we want.  And the owners of both houses know about the house that I am buying.  They know the people selling it.  They know that she is moving to her daughter.  They know she is in hospital today and will be home in a couple days.

What a neighborhood...