Sunday 17 June 2012


We want to have a down stair loo.  That's the whole reason of garage conversion (to an en-suite).  However, most of the builders couldn't give us a detailed quote because no one knows where the nearest sewerage is.  I know there is a manhole in the sun lounge.  But I couldn't open it until this morning.  The key that I bought yesterday, plus the sticks that I took off from the curtain rail this morning, formed a lever to lift the manhole cover.  It worked perfectly.

Picture taken from (roughly) north to south. The tee join from the stack of my house.

I was told that the cost of building a manhole also depends on the depth of the manhole.  Apparently the deeper, the more expensive.  I measured the depth from the ground level to the top of the sewerage is about 670mm.  Learning from a builder who came yesterday, this is not considered deep.  The builder who came this morning told me the cost will be in hundreds rather than thousands.  If the cost will be a few hundreds, it is acceptable.  But so far, almost every builder wants to charge more than what it costs.  It is annoying.  But it is life.

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