Saturday 16 June 2012

Pushing on the progress

Did two things on this lovely windy Saturday. First, I met two more builders today. One is recommended by my solicitor; and the other is recommended by my new neighbours. Both are very nice persons. But I realised now that builders' quote is not only dependent on what the work involves. It also depends on how much work the builder currently has. If the builder has enough, he may not be as interested as when he doesn't. But one of them turns the quote around very quickly. It's still expensive. But at least it comes to the ball park.

The second thing that we did was pushing the progress forward. My wife has spent many days stripping wall paper. She finishes her part today. And I just started taking off ceiling tiles today. Honestly, it's not as difficult as I thought. But because the ceiling tiles are over my head, I have to raise my hands and keep them high for many hours. It is exhausting. Muscle of my right hand cramped first, so I switched to my left hand - which also cramped an hour later. Luckily Justin and his family came to see our house, so I could take a break.

 I spent the rest of the day tidying up the wall paper, and took three full bin bags of wall paper to the dump. Doing home work before the start of the work certainly pays off. Before I started take off the ceiling tiles, I Googled to learn "how to". The following video is the most useful ceiling tile video. I did exactly the same as it says, and it worked perfectly for me.

In addition to the ceiling tiles, I also took off the coving.  The coving in the entrance hall was the most difficult.  The rest are ok.

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