Wednesday 13 November 2013

2nd day, more problems...

It was too late last night to take a picture.  This is the picture I took before I left for work.  It shows the progress of yesterday.

Yesterday the skip guy had problem reversing the truck to position to leave the skip. But he eventually put the skip at an angle.  That skip is already full.  Today, David called me when I was in a meeting, telling me that the skip truck that came to replace the skip was again obstructed by the car of the neighbour across the street.  What could I do?  I was in a meeting like 20 miles away.  But luckily I had some time to think about this before I talked to my neighbour this evening.  Instead of nagging my neighbour about their roadside parking (which is within their right to do), I told them their car is at risk of being damaged by the builders.  I am telling them because I don't want to see their car being damaged.  Hey, the car was moved away a couple hours later....

David also drilled a hole from the hall to the garage to measure the floor level.  Unfortunately the garage floor is too high for the underfloor insulation and heating.   There will have to be a step from the hall to the new room.  Damn...

David also have problems finding sewage pipe.

Hmm, that is quite enough for a day...

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