Friday 29 November 2013

Propping the walls

I went to see the progress of yesterday before I went for work.  The first thing I saw was the steel beam on the side path.

Two pieces of steel beam. 203x102x23 UB, 3.1m

Four Acrow props, three has been set in place.

The gap in the garden side has been cut through, ready to fill solid bricks in.

The garage side is also cut through. Load bearing walls constructed by concrete blocks.

At the top of the concrete blocks are some bricks. They will be used to give temporary support to the steel beam.

The top of the Acrow prop look like a giraffe neck.

The bottom sits on a timber plank.

Inside the kitchen, more props.

Similarly, a timber plank supports all the floor joists.

The garden side of the wall.  Inner brick skin has been removed.  Window lintel is also propped.

Inner skin is taken back all the way to the window.

This wall is where David has problem with Graham.  Graham specifies a padstone 250mm by 250mm by 150mm.  But David doesn't think it is achievable in the corner.  I don't know who is right.  I just ask them to solve the problem together.  David said he will call Graham today.

Garage is cracking ahead.  I just need to confirm the en-suite details.

There has already been an extractor vent pipe where the shower will be .

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